Intraterrestrials, Cryptoterrestrials, Cryptids: What Are They?
VINE: Gateway to Subrealm graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by Coskun Kuzgun

Intraterrestrials, also known as cryptoterrestrials or cryptids, are beings from what is commonly known as Inner Earth. Some of these – fairies, elves, dragons, mermaids – have given rise to our legends. But they do not even scratch the surface (no pun intended) as far as the diversity of life forms that have yet to be discovered on this planet by us “surface dwellers”. Entire civilizations exist underground and within the oceans of our planet, many of them in a higher density vibrational frequency plane.

The above artwork by Coskun Kuzgun is from VINE: Gateway to Subrealm, a graphic novel I wrote about a journey to such a realm, and the non-human intelligences that live there.

By Ju Chen

Intergalactic explorer. Writer and artist. Favorite topics - Creativity & Consciousness

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