Why Are Aliens Here and Why Now?
Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by P.R. Dedelis

If you’re wondering why are aliens here, there’s no need to look to UFOs in the skies. Plenty of ETs live among us incognito and will slowly come out of the “space closet” when they know Earth societies will accept them, and that time is coming soon as we are reaching a tipping point in the evolution of human consciousness. Some of us have met these extraterrestrials and can recognize them by their vibe.

Why Are Aliens Here and Why Now?
Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by P.R. Dedelis

The above scene is from Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact, a graphic novel I wrote (with manga-influenced art by P.R. Dedelis) which explores this very theme: aliens living among us who look just like humans, and why they have assimilated into societies all over the planet.

Have you ever met anyone who you suspect is… not from around these parts?

By Ju Chen

Intergalactic explorer. Writer and artist. Favorite topics - Creativity & Consciousness

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