How to Communicate with Mother Earth and the Stars
VINE: Gateway to Subrealm graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by Coskun Kuzgun

Learning to communicate with Mother Earth and her offspring is an essential way of raising our vibrational frequency and expanding our consciousness. And what marvels Gaia contains, not just on her surface, but in her oceans and under our feet. When we go into nature, shut off the interferences of modern civilization, and quietly listen to the flora and fauna surrounding us, surprising insights often enter our thoughts.

How to Communicate with Mother Earth
VINE: Gateway to Subrealm graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by Coskun Kuzgun

It was such an insight that inspired me to write VINE: Gateway to Subrealm, a graphic novel (with illustrations by Coskun Kuzgun) about a young man who spends five years asleep amidst a bed of sentient vine found within the ruins of an ancient temple. When he wakes up, his consciousness is still quantumly linked to the vine and he is privy to its secrets, including the way to access a realm time had long forgotten…

By Ju Chen

Intergalactic explorer. Writer and artist. Favorite topics - Creativity & Consciousness

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