Predatory Forces Exist in the Shadow Realm
VINE: Gateway to Subrealm graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by Coskun Kuzgun

When we expand our consciousness, we perceive more of what exists, including both nurturing and predatory forces that are out there. Some may feel they are better off not knowing, but ignorance is never bliss. Parasitic entities can feed on us without our knowledge. It is vital we inform ourselves on the dual nature of existence in the ethereal and physical planes.

Nurturing and Predatory Forces Exist in a Dual Universe
VINE: Gateway to Subrealm graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by Coskun Kuzgun

VINE: Gateway to Subrealm is a graphic novel I wrote (with illustrations by Coskun Kuzgun) that portrays this duality in full, pulling no punches in taking the reader through realms both beautiful and terrifying.

By Ju Chen

Intergalactic explorer. Writer and artist. Favorite topics - Creativity & Consciousness

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