A Good Vibe is the Key to Success
Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by P.R. Dedelis

If I can pass on only one thing I’ve learned in this life, it’s that maintaining a positive vibe is the key to success in any creative endeavor.

It really is that simple. For anyone who wishes to imagine and create something original, “don’t worry, be happy” is the first and most important advice I would offer.

A Good Vibe is the Key to Success
Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by P.R. Dedelis

The comic panels here are from Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact, a graphic novel I wrote (with manga-style artwork by P.R. Dedelis) about a school for alien human hybrids where students learn techniques for raising their frequency and staying in a high vibrational state. “Good vibes bring good outcomes” is their mantra, and it is a necessary one for the mission they will be tasked to perform…

By Ju Chen

Intergalactic explorer. Writer and artist. Favorite topics - Creativity & Consciousness

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