About the Author

Comics author Blake Ju Chen on how Corridor Realms came to be…
What began as due diligence writer research has become a journey of discovery. Learning the true nature of life in multiple realms from the testimonies of those who have experienced that reality and encountered such life, and going on to discover and experience that reality myself. And I disclose this truth through the fabulously unique medium of sequential storytelling, aka comics or graphic novels.
Corridor Realms is the shared universe these stories take place in, where the line between truth and fantasy thins the deeper one delves beneath the surface.
Are you ready for disclosure? Are you ready to embrace the unknown?
The first comic I wrote and illustrated was Twilight Lady, about an ancient warrior spirit residing within a young woman. This was after I had begun exploring with keen interest past lives, reincarnation, and the journey of the soul. The idea of multiple planes of existence played a key role in this story, as it does much of my work. I discovered later that some of this material may have been influenced by my subconscious memories of past or parallel lives.
Next came VINE, a graphic novel I wrote (with illustrations by Coskun Kuzgun) about a journey by a motley crew to a place called Subrealm. A land inhabited by mermaids, dragons, tree nymphs, and little green “plant people” that is only accessible through a mysterious vine tunnel. Turns out I was writing about Inner Earth before I ever knew such a realm truly existed. Or perhaps, deep down, I have always known?
Which brings us to Subhuman Sanctum. At the time I was writing this comic (with P.R. Dedelis on illustrations), UFOs and aliens were a fringe “conspiracy theory” most people did not take seriously. Though the story is about First Contact between Earth humans and extra-terrestrials, I had decided that we would not use well-worn tropes like flying saucers landing in front of a crowd of bewildered Earthlings, causing mass panic or reverence. My reasoning was that, if we are indeed not alone, then ETs would already be living incognito among us, and would gently, gradually, and selectively reveal themselves. Little did I dream how accurate a portrayal this was of the actual real-life situation developing between Earth and her galactic neighbors!
Greetings and welcome to my personal website where I share my views on the multidimensional nature of consciousness and its impact on current interplanetary events, along with news and commentary about my future, past, and present creative projects.