First Contact with Aliens - is this how it will happen?
Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by PR Dedelis

We know we’re not alone. Now what? It is a scenario that never fails to ignite the collective imagination: How will First Contact with aliens actually happen? Will a fleet of extra-terrestrial craft fly over the White House? Will television broadcasts be hijacked by visitors from space with a message to deliver to all earthlings? Will an interplanetary ambassador arrive at the Pentagon on a diplomatic mission?

If you’re new to the ET disclosure phenomenon, it might surprise you to learn that all of the above already happened and are part of history. Just not official history. These incidences were never reported on the mainstream news, but a cursory amount of research with an open mind will easily uncover the truth. In 1952, a fleet of UFOs flew over Washington, DC evading US Air Force fighter jets. In 1977, a UK television broadcast was interrupted by an entity named Vrillon with a message from the Ashtar Galactic Command. Ambassador Val Thor from Venus met with then US President Dwight Eisenhower back in 1957.

In the context of this hidden history, when people refer to First Contact, what they really mean is First Global Civilian Contact. This would be an event involving a worldwide audience, not just a handful of politicians, military personnel, or civilian contactees. So… how will that occur?

As a plethora of evidence exists that human-looking extraterrestrials already walk among us, it is only logical that they would be the first to show themselves. Indeed, such a plan is already in motion, as revealed by highly credible ET contactee Elena Danaan in an article published in March of 2022, over a year before David Grusch went public and the historic UFO Congressional Hearings took place.

It is hardly far-fetched to assume that some of these human-looking aliens are not only out there in plain sight, they may also be people of substantial fame, even notoriety. Over the years, there have been rumors about numerous public figures having possible ET origins. From David Bowie to Elon Musk, Nikola Tesla to Melania Trump, it is a long and varied list.

First Contact with Aliens
Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by PR Dedelis

What if one of these personalities were to “come out of the space closet” and announce, on a large public platform with an audience of millions, that they are not of this world? Perhaps he or she will even explain where they are from, why they are here, and provide some insight into their native planet and culture. Certainly, this would be a far more civilized and less panic-inducing way of introducing yourself to another species than landing in front of a crowd somewhere and declaring, “take me to your leader”.

Of course, not everyone will believe it, and this may initially be a good thing. Better that they ridicule rather than riot. But it is increasingly likely that, due to the rising tide of human consciousness, many will be ready and willing to accept this groundbreaking news. At the very least, the controversy such a revelation will generate will move the needle greatly in expanding awareness of ET existence among the general populace, eventually leading to their acceptance that we are, and always have been, part of a larger multiverse teeming with all manner of diverse intelligent life.

First Contact with Aliens - How Will It Happen?
Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by PR Dedelis

Such an event will also open the floodgates to more undercover aliens revealing their origins on public platforms, eventually leading to many more confiding their secret through personal interactions within communities. This is how contact between Earth humans and extra-terrestrials can become commonplace and accepted by the population at large. All this without the need for a shock worldwide UFO flyover and landing event, which was always an overdramatic idea seeded by the likes of Hollywood for nefarious purposes like the infamous false flag alien invasion scenario.

It is my personal feeling that human consciousness is at a point where this hypothetical scenario I have put forth would be an acceptable and relatively non-destructive way for the galactic community to initiate global civilian contact with the denizens of Earth. And I am not talking ten years from now. This can happen as soon as in the next few months. We are ready.

First Contact with Aliens - How It Will Happen
Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by PR Dedelis

Comic sequences shown are scenes from the graphic novel Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact, which imagines an urban community where interaction between aliens and humans is commonplace. Little did I know at the time I wrote it that this is an actual reality in certain neighborhoods, even towns, on this planet. Artwork by Przemyslaw R. Dedelis.

By Ju Chen

Intergalactic explorer. Writer and artist. Favorite topics - Creativity & Consciousness

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