September 27, 2024 – The biggest mass UFO sighting of our times just took place. I was among a thousand who witnessed a TR3B Black Triangle ship among a fleet of UFOs at a public park next to the Westin Westminster in Colorado. We knew something was coming, and even what time to expect it, having been promised the sight of scoutships belonging to the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Never one to get easily carried away, I expected a fleeting glimpse of one or two craft zipping across the sky. What transpired instead was an unforgettable experience, both spectacular and transcendent.

It started at ten past nine with a fleet of scoutships flying directly overhead in a boomerang-shaped formation. This was followed by the sudden, unexpected appearance of a TR3B, the “black triangle UFO” long rumored (now confirmed!) to exist. The TR3B, going at an incredible speed I have never seen any plane or drone match, flashed its three green lights at us in an alternating triangular pattern before fading out of sight (yes it’s true, these ships possess cloaking technology). I say “at us” because that was what it felt like, that they were deliberately showing themselves to us as we cheered in appreciation.

TR3B Black Triangle UFO GSIC Skywatch 2024

The scoutships returned for a few more fly-bys, with different numbers each time, ranging from five to about twenty (at some point I lost count). They appeared and disappeared, powering up then down, at varying speeds in flexible formations. To my naked eye they looked like stars moving in the sky and taking turns to “flash” (light up). At times they separated from each other, then came back together. It was clear they were capable of moving in intricate patterns beyond the ability of conventional aircraft. To any doubters, I can only say this – you had to be there to see just how high up these ships were. We later learned they were on the outer limits of the Earth’s atmosphere (it certainly looked that way). For anything to be that far away and still maintain visibility let alone be able to “flash” defies any conventional explanation.

As quickly as it began, it was over. The visual spectacle, that is. But the mental processing of what the bleep just happened had only just begun for the majority of those gathered. What we learned was that the scoutships, being actual extra-terrestrial craft, had to maintain an altitude of at least 62 miles out of respect for Earth government (specifically NORAD) rules. The TR3B, however, was able to fly much lower, and closer, to us as it was Earth-made. It was one of our own, despite not being known to officially exist.

You may be wondering, who is the source of this information? Who had let it be known to the gathered crowd what was coming, when, and where? If you have not heard the name Elena Danaan, remember it well because it will one day be in all our history books. Since going public as an ET contactee in 2019, this lady’s track record of astounding revelations backed up by corroborating evidence speaks for itself.

Ms. Danaan was one of the speakers at the 2024 Galactic and Spiritual Informers Connection (GSIC), an event created by Dani Henderson, also an experiencer of paranormal and ET phenomena. I have been to all three GSICs. Before the first one in 2022, I had never seen a UFO. Since then, the sight of unexplainable phenomena in the skies has become a regular occurrence in my life. It was as if that first sighting opened my consciousness to that reality and I began to accept it as normal.

While the sight of UFOs may not have been new to many of the attendees and speakers at GSIC 2024, such encounters are often experienced alone, and if one is lucky enough to have company, there is usually no more than a handful of others present.

At the “skywatch” on September 27, attendees were joined by Ms. Danaan, Ms. Henderson, veterans of disclosure like Alex Collier, Michael Salla, David Adair, Dan Willis, and Jerry Wills, as well as Secret Space Program whistleblowers Tony Rodrigues, Jean-Charles Moyen, and Melanie Charest. All either seasoned experiencers or researchers (or both), but had any of them ever had the opportunity to witness the flyover of an ET fleet AND a TR3B in the company of a thousand kindred souls? This shared experience will live forever in our hearts, and its unprecedented nature has created an unbreakable bond. Like many that night, I was too caught up in the spectacle above the clouds, but when I did take a moment to look around at the rest of the gathered crowd, I felt instantly closer to every one of them.

I must express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to Elena Danaan, her GFW contact Thor Han Eredyon, and Dani Henderson. Three courageous individuals without whom this historical disclosure event would not have occurred. They promised, at great risk to their reputations, and delivered. Only with the passing of time will we fully appreciate the significance and enormity of their gift.

This was about much more than UFOs and aliens. It was, as my friend and fellow GSIC attendee Tatiana put it, about unity and hope. It was confirmation of the existence of unlimited zero-point energy and anti-gravity technology; of humanity’s bright future; of an alliance between interplanetary councils and the ever-increasing portion of Earth peoples that know our destiny is to reach the stars.

By Ju Chen

Intergalactic explorer. Writer and artist. Favorite topics - Creativity & Consciousness

7 thoughts on “TR3B Black Triangle Seen With UFO Fleet in Westminster, Colorado”
  1. I was there. I’ve seen one or two ‘UFOs’ in my life. I gathered w everyone else to watch the sky. After a few minutes I started to feel like it was a bust. Then, lights in the sky. Then, spacecraft. The lights in the sky were low altitude (TR3B). The other ships, if indeed above 62 miles had to be huge. They were clearly visible from the ground and unlike anything I’d witnessed before. Unmistakable craft, not some unidentifiable light in the sky. I never doubted Elena however, I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. Thank you Elena, for exposing us to these soon to be commonplace craft. Amazing.

    1. Sean, thanks for your honest account. You bring up a good point, which is that many people likely had doubts leading up to the Skywatch event. But I would guess an overwhelming majority of those doubts were blown away by what we all witnessed that night.

  2. Thanks for telling us about this extraordinary event. I wish I could have been there.

    Everything Elena Danaan has ever related, written about, has changed my life forever. Thank you, Elena. To all the people in Tribute, and to StephZak thanks.
    Especially to Ea, so generous to come back! Thank you, Ea.

    Thanks also to JP. Alex Collier, Dr. Michael Salla and to the Earth Alliance, the Galactic Federation of Worlds, all the ETs who are helping us, a million “thank yous!” We are so fortunate for all you do.

    1. Elizabeth, I wholeheartedly agree, especially about Elena. She is the most credible speaker and writer about not just ET phenomena, but ANY phenomena, I’ve ever come across. Her work is richly resonant, detailed, always fascinating, and consciousness expanding. A true galactic treasure… she is a gift from the stars 😉

    2. Thank You Elizabeth Mortensen for writing what is also in My heart! I have All of Elena’s books. She and Dani and all those awesome contactees and Awareness People will be in Charlotte NC this Fall of 2025. I’m wishing to be there! It will take a miracle but with all that we are all experiencing now, Everything Is Possible! Blessings to ALL!

  3. Like many remarkable sightings over the years ie ( the Phoenix Lights 1990’s where over 10,000 people view a huge mother ship that blocked the stars ).
    Elena’s contact’s now enable a population READY to not hide, but acknowledge.
    The Phoenix Lights, were denied for over 10 years. This secrecy is poison, and must stop.

    1. Indeed, and what’s special about the GSIC Skywatch is the unbreakable bond that now exists among those who were there, who saw what happened with their own eyes, and are determined to let the world know. The high frequency vibe generated by that crowd of 1000 witnesses would have sent ripples across space and time, and we have still yet to experience its full impact, but we will eventually. What we all witnessed simply cannot be denied, and will never be forgotten.

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