Inner Earth Underground Civilizations
VINE: Gateway to Subrealm graphic novel written by Blake Ju Chen & illustrated by Coskun Kuzgun

There are realms that exist at a different vibrational frequency plane to ours. Most of what we know as Inner Earth exists in the 4th and 5th density plane. The closer we journey to the center of the Earth, the higher in density is the life that exists there. We can access these higher dimensions, even communicate with the human and non-human intelligences that live there, by raising our consciousness. What happens when air rises? It expands. So does consciousness. The natural state of an activated human is multidimensional.

The above scene is from VINE: Gateway to Subrealm, a graphic novel I wrote (with illustrations by Coşkun Kuzgun) about a journey by a motley crew to a place called Subrealm. A land inhabited by mermaids, dragons, tree nymphs, and little green “plant people” that is accessible only through a mysterious vine tunnel. And accessing this portal depends not only on finding its location, but also attaining the required vibrational frequency.

Turns out I was writing about Inner Earth before I ever knew such a realm truly existed. Or perhaps, deep down, I have always known?

Have you?

By Ju Chen

Intergalactic explorer. Writer and artist. Favorite topics - Creativity & Consciousness

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