Are we the ETs trying to phone home? The starseed phenomenon and UFO disclosure are inextricably intertwined topics and any efforts to keep them apart are ultimately futile. It boils down to two seemingly unrelated questions: 1) is reincarnation possible, and 2) are we alone in the universe?
If one accepts the possibility that consciousness reincarnates and also that intelligent life exists on other planets, the next logical step is to consider that among the Earth population could be thousands, perhaps millions, of “starseeds” – souls incarnated on Earth who have had past lives elsewhere.
It is a common assumption that modern popular culture is solely responsible for fueling the idea of beings from other worlds, of advanced civilizations possessing ancient wisdom along with amazing technology. But is this truly the case? Stories with such concepts have existed as far back as we have recorded history, long before the advent of science fiction literature and movies – from the Sumerian tablets to Hindu mythology to the legends of indigenous tribes told in cave paintings that were the earliest forms of sequential storytelling.
It is not at all far-fetched to posit that these fantastic worlds, and the civilizations that inhabit them, are part of our collective subconscious soul memory. It would explain why so many of us are drawn to the sci-fi and fantasy genres, to stories set in supposedly imaginary universes featuring galaxies teeming with mind-bogglingly diverse forms of intelligent life. Could this be because we have always intuitively known that these were, contrary to conventional belief, true and logical portrayals of reality and life in the cosmos?

With this in mind, the current zeitgeist propelling humanity towards an inevitable Star Trek future makes even more sense. Not just the huge technological leap we are undergoing, but also the evolution in consciousness that will enable us to, one day soon, interact with other spacefaring civilizations. It is due to this shift, for instance, that so many are regaining memories of their past lives on other planets, and along with that their connections to certain races prevalent in our galaxy. Feline humanoids from the Lyra and Sirius constellations; Tall Nordic humans from the Pleiades; Blue-skinned beings from Andromeda and Arcturus. Do a cursory search and one will find many publications, online and otherwise, filled with testimonies of starseeds and their galactic connections. Not just memories of previous lifetimes, but in some cases actual, physical contact experiences with such beings in this current lifetime.

The images above are from Twilight Lady, a graphic novel I wrote and illustrated about an ancient warrior spirit residing within a young woman who goes on astral adventures in her sleep and has no memory of them upon waking. There are people in real life who have such experiences and can remember them. A question I’ve often asked myself: was I subconsciously recollecting my own astral journeys?
This emerging starseed phenomenon is why no serious conversation about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and in our solar system can take place without recognition of the deep connection many Earthlings feel to the various Star Nations reported to be interacting with our planet. Especially when a question often asked by popular Ufologists is – why are they here?

The above scene is from Subhuman Sanctum: First Civilian Contact, a graphic novel I wrote (with illustrations by P.R. Dedelis) about First Contact with aliens by Earth humans. For this story, I had decided not to use well-worn tropes like flying saucers landing in front of a crowd of bewildered Earthlings, causing mass panic or reverence. My reasoning was that, if we are indeed not alone, then ETs would already be living incognito among us, and would gently, gradually, and selectively reveal themselves.
This is what is actually happening in real-life, and what the starseed phenomenon is ultimately about. Visitors from other worlds are discreetly contacting people on Earth they have a past-life connection with; their soul family. These personal interactions have been increasing, and will continue to do so, playing a major role in driving UFO disclosure, and the human race, forward.