One has to sometimes take a step back in order to go forward. Humanity is being guided through chaotic times towards a golden age by those aware that not only have dark truths been suppressed, but our true nature and power as well.
It’s time to shake off our remaining shackles and embrace that power. But how can we when confusion abounds? Should we not wait till things calm down a bit? Well, no. The time to begin imagining and manifesting our new reality is now, while the old world is crumbling. That saying about necessity being the mother of invention could not be more relevant than in these times. The way to counter destruction is to focus on creation. It is a universal law, and the most effective way of restoring balance.
How does this process begin? First, shut off the noise and go within.

Then ask yourself:
Who are you?
What do you wish to be?
What is it you’ve always wanted to do?
Now is the time to begin it. It doesn’t have to be just one thing. Gift yourself the time and space to try many things. Then ask yourself – and this is the key – what gives you the most joy?
Whatever it is, keep doing it.
20 years ago, on a whim, I decided to make a comic. It was something I had always wanted to do. I began working on Twilight Lady and, before I knew it, had found my bliss. And I have strived to maintain that state ever since, where hard work feels like playful fun. That is how we raise and expand not only our consciousness, but that of everyone around us through the ripple effect.
Ultimately, that is what will bring forth this golden age – the rise of our collective consciousness.