Would you like to hear how a little vine told me about gateways to Inner Earth and helped me write a graphic novel? No, really. This apocalypse – originally a Greek word meaning “revelation” – is as much a personal odyssey as it is a collective one.
Disclosure has different meaning for each individual. Some say nothing is happening. They are looking only for that sudden, huge event that shocks the world. Fleets of UFOs appearing in our skies (actually, this has happened and I witnessed it). A worldwide emergency broadcast. Army soldiers patrolling our streets. Gigantic creatures emerging from underground. Everything needs to change overnight! There is no other way!
Where does this appetite for cataclysmic scenarios come from? For destruction to herald the end of this old world? It is time we let go of such programs, instilled by everything from religious texts to the latest Hollywood blockbuster. And once we do, we shall see that disclosure is already happening, has been happening for a long time, and will only accelerate. Each day new revelations occur, and more of the Earth populace awakens. The tide of human consciousness is rising, and can no longer be held back.
More than ever before, people who are encountering NHI (non-human intelligences) such as extraterrestrials and intraterrestrials are speaking publicly about their experiences. This is the real disclosure, not the government-sanctioned version. If these subjects are not common knowledge by now, they soon will be.
When one looks upon this apocalypse as a personal odyssey, taking pleasure in the slow reveal, it goes a long way towards calming anxieties caused by outside events. But is this a form of escape, what some call spiritual bypass? Only when taken to an extreme. Otherwise, it is imperative we devote time to seeking truth within.
Part of my own inner journey involves examining past creative work, for it is in this area of life where I have come closest to what one would call an altered state (in the rudimentary sense) where boundaries between imagination, research, and subconscious soul memory are often blurred.

In 2014, for a comic series I was writing called VINE: Gateway to Subrealm, I came up with the idea of a race of three feet tall plant-based humanoids living in a place called Subrealm, which was accessible through a tunnel of vine that acted as a portal. After a cursory amount of research, I decided this race would refer to themselves as “ghillies” in the comic, based on the Ghillie Dhu, an entity from Scottish folklore. This series, which has been published as a graphic novel (with magnificent illustrations by Coşkun Kuzgun), also featured dryads (tree spirits) that co-existed with these “plant people” and at times acted as their spiritual guides. Dryads were benevolent towards the ghillies… with one notable exception.

In one of countless examples of real life mirroring fiction, I have since learned there is in fact a “subrealm” – a vibrational plane adjacent to ours where all manner of life exists, including (but certainly not limited to) faerie, mer-people, “ant people”, and what we perceive to be ghosts. Much of this life resides under the surface of our planet, for the deeper underground one goes, the higher the vibrational frequency. Dr Michael Salla, an accomplished researcher in the field of exopolitics, has written books and held webinars on the topic of this “Inner Earth” realm and its various inhabitants who have interacted with us surface dwellers for millennia.

It would not surprise me if dryads and ghillie dhu were among these “cryptids” or cryptoterrestrials, and that they are either not myths at all, or they are myths based on reality. According to Elena Danaan, a highly credible experiencer and researcher of ET and paranormal phenomena, it is possible for intelligent bipedal humanoids to possess “vegetal genetics”. Her latest book, Encyclopedia Galactica, mentions at least one such race – the Egonari from Andromeda constellation, whose skin “undergoes photosynthesis and emits a pleasant fragrance”.

I have a feeling we shall soon learn more about the vegetal humanoids who live closer to home. We may even encounter them ourselves. I will leave you with a photo that I recently took. I was standing in front of a wisteria plant (a species of vine, as you may well know) in a relaxed, meditative state when something caught my eye. A face, peeking out from the branches of this beautiful vine, looking right at me. My imagination? I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to decide.

This wisteria lives in my backyard, right beside my writing room. So another question to ponder is, what gave me the idea to create a story about thinking, talking plants and plant people? Or to be precise, what communicated this idea?
Like I said, disclosure has different meaning for each individual.