Why has life on Earth gotten so weird for so many people all over the planet? Not just UFO sightings and ET encounters, but an increase in overall awareness, of everything from paranormal phenomena to institutional corruption. Why is the veil rapidly lifting? Are these the much-prophesized “end times”? Perhaps, but there is no need for worry or despair. It is simply the end of an old world and the beginning of a new one. This was never going to be an overnight event, but a gradual transition. The more aware we are of this, the less disruptive it will feel.
The vibrational shift Planet Earth is undergoing due to our solar system’s trajectory is having a major influence on exopolitical and personal events. Before October of 2022, I had never seen a UFO. Since then, I have experienced numerous sightings. Part of it is they’re showing up more. The other part is once I had seen one, it opened my consciousness to that reality. I began to accept weird as normal.
There are several densities of existence (commonly referred to as “dimensions”), all vibrating at different frequencies. Most of us can only perceive 3rd density, but that is changing along with the frequency of the Earth, which is shifting from 3rd to 4th. Eventually she will reach 5th density, which is the vibrational frequency of much life that exists in this galaxy, including that of many “non-human intelligences” (from both inside this planet and off it) who have been interacting with humankind for eons. This is why life has gotten so weird lately, and will only get more so. We are effectively transitioning from one plane of existence to another, with all the trauma and wonder that goes with it. But why is this happening now?

Our solar system, in its perpetual orbit around the galaxy, has recently entered the vicinity of a vast electromagnetic cloud, a “golden” nebula. It will continue to pass through this cloud (sometimes referred to as a photon belt) for another couple of thousand years. The energy vortices within the nebula are slowly transforming the consciousness of this planet and its inhabitants by raising our vibrational frequency to match that of current galactic surroundings. Many are not accepting this change and fighting it, which is the root cause of much of the strife taking place. Those aware of what is really happening are doing what we can to help, and to guide. Since we are going to be in this area of the galaxy for awhile, why not make ourselves comfortable?
A higher frequency does not mean everything will be sweetness and light. What it does mean is that possibilities we used to consider extreme are no longer so. The realms of science fiction and fantasy are now everyday reality. If you had been told five years ago that the world will shut down due to a virus, or that both the United States and Mexico will hold congressional hearings about recovered alien bodies and craft, would you have believed it?

Along with beings from other planets, we are going to be having ever more frequent encounters with hitherto “mythical” entities like the fae, sasquatch, “ant people”, and other “Inner Earth” dwellers as our reality continues to merge with theirs. And what of the angels and demons of lore who were previously imperceptible to most of us? We shall learn more about who they truly are. But perhaps the most significant discovery of all will be that of our own vast human potential which has been suppressed for thousands of years.
The higher the density plane we occupy, the greater the ability of our thoughts and emotions to influence our sphere of existence. More of what we imagine will manifest. If one finds that a scary rather than thrilling prospect, then perhaps it is time to recognize the importance of the inner universe of our hopes, dreams, desires, and fears. It is time we grant them the attention they deserve.